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Courses and Lectures

Interested in learning more about the history & culture of Bonaire?
FuHiKuBo organises throughout the year the course:

History & Culture
of Bonaire

Papiamentu, Dutch and English.

General courses consist of 14 hours of class and includes an educational hike. On top of that you receive a digital file with the course slides and additional information including books, music and other documents.

It takes place over the course of two weeks and is usually planned outside normal working hours.

The course covers topics such as colonial history, traditional holidays, our language Papiamentu and much more!

This course is a great base for people eager to learn a bit more about our island's history, culture and habits and has been enjoyed by both locals and visitors!

Our team is currently working very hard to be able to offer more courses with different themes. So stay tuned for more courses to come! Besides the general courses we also organise custom courses and lectures covering various topics. These are organised by ourselves but can also be arranged upon request. For more information regarding the possibilities, please contact us.